Monday, February 7, 2011

It's our god forsaken right to be loved

We had a very busy weekend. A lot of my crocheting got shown off which made me proud. Firstly I made my cousin and his wife 2 blankets and 2 hats as part of her shower gift. I thought back to my baby shower and thought of what I like best for gifts. I loved the blankets people made for me, so I made them some. I'm happy to say she loved them and I got a lot of complements from my family and other shower guest. It felt nice to know that someone liked something I made and wasn't just being nice to make me fell good. Also get her a big bin full of diapers because you can never have enough. We did a diaper raffle at my shower where everyone who brought a pack was entered into a raffle to win a huge gift basket. I didn't have to buy diapers until Amidala was in size 2!
I also completed one of my 101. Today Anakin and I drove to Attleboro with 2 purposes. ! buy a new printer since ours is now in printer heaven. RIP Kodak7200. You printed 200 pictures. Secondly, we went to Sturdy Memorial Hospital so I could donate 2 of the blankets and a hat I made to the maternity ward. Amidala was born there 15 months ago. It brought back a lot of memories and a lot of emotions going back there. Thinking about how scared and exited I was all at the same time. A mere 12 hours after we arrived we were parents. So I went though the maze of halls to find the volunteer office to drop them off. They were very nice and said my blanket were beautiful. I know some new mom will love them.
On a funny note, I was telling them how Amidala was born there 15 months ago. They then said, how can you have a baby you're only in high school. I thanked them and said no I'm not but thank you. Good to know I still look 16.


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