Thought it would be nice to start it off with some old NKOTB.
So a lot has happened since my last post. Amidala has another double ear infection. She got it 2 days before her 3 week follow up to check her ears to see if they were draining. So clearly they are not. So we got another Z-pack and it is working well. This is after the doctor we saw said they don't work....hmmmm I wonder why they would even make and prescribe them if they didn't work. Sorry for the sassy comment but I do not like the doctor we saw on Wednesday. This is the same one we saw when Amidala ended up having a bronchial infection and needed to go to the hospital to figure it out. Ya, a big thanks for telling me to wait it out with my, at the time, 11 month old. Who by the way was miserable and I missed 4 days of work.
So onto to happier notes, as you may or may not have guessed, Amidala is singing the above song. We do parts, i do the first and she the second, and so on. She loves to sing and dance. She can even do happy and you know it along with the actions at the appropriate times. She also loves Evacuate the Dance Floor. She shakes her little booty to it all the time.
Amidala is getting so big and so smart. She understands too much sometimes. But she is a good goober. She learned two new signs at day-care recently, please and thank you. Such a polite little munchkin. Potty training has halted a bit, she likes to sit on it and still tells us when but that's about it. At least she is keeping up with telling us and is aware what is going on. She even woke up the other night and eventually got me up to tell me she had to go. I told her it was too early to use the potty and it was alright to just go. But I thanked her for letting me know she had to. She snuggled for a few and went right back to sleep.
If anyone has some potty training tips I'd appreciate it. She's a little young, only 16 month, but she is interested and strong willed.
I've also been working a lot on my 101. It's nice to just be able to work on it when I want but I like that I put some long term stuff on it, gives me something to do long term. I have quick update!
#16: Angels and Demons. Anakin and I watched this a couple of weekends ago. He has read both book and I've only see the first movie. It was a good movie.
#55: Chicken Soup. I made the family some chicken soup when Anakin had the horrible stomach bug that was going around 2 weeks ago. It was just the one off the chicken broth box. I've made soup before but just kind of did it as I went. This one was extremely good and I would make it again.
#29: So as part of my 2011 handmade challenge. I have finished one item. I will not say what as I have yet to send it to the person who it is for. I want to take some pictures of it before I send it. I kind of made up the pattern for it and I'm really proud of myself for being able to do that. I just hope they like it.
#21. On Wednesday, when I was home with Amidala we had to go pick up Anakin from work since we had the car for the day. I usually stop and get him coffee before I get him. So we stopped at Starbucks to get the usual order. Feeling in a nice mood and since there was a line a mile long at the drive through. I decided to pay for the person behind me. The cashier was extremely surprised by my gesture. She even commented she had heard of people doing it but never witnessed it. So I'm not sure if the car behind me decided to pay it forward or not , hopefully they did. And if not at least they got some free coffee.
That is all for now. Hopefully another post after this weekend.
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