Friday, June 3, 2011

We come together no mind of the weather, We gonna love each other til the end of time

A lot has happened in the last month for us. Amidala is now 1.5 and running amuck amuck amuck.She also got her tubes put in and we have seen a huge improvement in balance and speech. Her vocabulary has exploded and she repeats everything.
On a not so light note this past Wednesday a series of tornados went through my home town of Springfield, MA. There were two confirmed touch downs, one going right up main street and one closer to the Wilbraham border. My family is fine and is my grandfather's restaurant. It was very scary trying to get ahold of my sister and mother not knowing where they were and if they were ok. Thankfully I heard from my sister quickly via text that she was ok. My mom texted back that she was ok about a half hour after and I was so relieved that she was ok.
My thoughts and prayers go out to those also affected by the tornados and hope everyone is safe and recovering
