So currently I am sitting here blogging while my street is being torn up for Lowe's (Thanks a lot). They just cut a hole in front of our house and are now putting the metal plate over said hole. Amidala is napping and by god if they wake her neither her nor I will be happy. So you may be wonder why I'm home today. Amidala had a fever yesterday and was sent home early from daycare. Her fever went down after we gave her some motrin but she still had a slight one today. So since she had to stay home from daycare I brought her to see Dr. Vonnegut. She will most likely be going back tomorrow unless her fever is over 101 again. So onto todays' post.
Amidala is almost walking, she took five steps about two weeks ago and has taken a few more unassisted here and there. It's just a matter of time and in the mean time Anakin and I are trying to baby proof as much as quickly as we can.
Here's the 101 in 1001 update
#72: Anakin and I had our second date, 5th overall since Amidala has been born. We went to the red sox game. It was the first game I had gone to since last August when I was very pregnant. I have to say being at a red sox game while pregnant is one of the worst experiences ever. I barely fit in the seat and was up every minute to pee so to say next time I am pregnant I will not be going to any games.
#55: Ok ever since fall came I have been a cooking machine, ok well not really. But I did try 4, yes 4 new recipes. The first was a home made sloppy joe. If most of you are like me the thought of this made me a little sick but it is surprisingly good. Amidala had them at daycare and loves, loves, loves them so I decided to try and make them. And they came out great
Recipe #2 was an apple cider stew. It is as simple as the name sounds. Literally all it is is apples, potatoes, carrots, beef and cider in the crock pot. and IT is very good we made it again this weekend for friends. For a random find online it is very good.
Recipe #3 is something special I am making today for Anakin. Anakin is a huge pumpkin fan and had said over the weekend he would like some pumpkin bread. A friend of mine mentioned on facebook she had made some with chocolate chips in it. Alas she did not a recipe so I found this one online and just added some chocolate chips to it. I have yet to taste it as it is just sitting in my oven for now.
Recipe #4 was maple butter and it is exactly as you would as it sounds maple syrup and butter mixed together. We made it as a pancake topping and enjoyed it very much.
That's all for now folks.