My name is Rachel, I'm 26 and from Boston MA. This blog is just my experiences. I have loving husband and beautiful new daughter. I was in a sorority in college and I currently work as a tax analyst and adjustment specialist.
My husband, Anakin just bought a new DSLR camera and while I do not know much about cameras, he does. My main concern was how nice his pictures would come out. After much debate and deliberation Anakin finally decided on the Nikon D300s, he previously used the Nikon D40. This was the camera that when he was debating over two I said just get the Nikon, you've always had good things to say about the old one. Now I am not camera or electronics expert. I just go with what I like and my tastes can be fickle at times when I flop from brand to brand. While I'm not one for spending large amounts of money at once, the sheer thought of it makes me sick to my stomach. I've been looking at this as more an investment in Anakin's future dreams and hopes rather than that we just spent that amount of money. Now that I have see some of the beautiful pictures he has taken of our daughter Amidala. The money was well spent, but how could he not take pictures of such a perfect little girl.